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[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

 HUKUM KOMUNIKATIF Karya: Anom Surya Putra ~ Naskah (calon) buku yang ditulis dalam keadaan "chaotic", non-sistematis, sedikit mengandung aforis atau metafor, tidak bermanfaat bagi praktisi hukum, dan mungkin berguna bagi pemula yang hendak membaca "hukum" dengan cara rebahan, atau bacaan ringan bagi individu yang mati-langkah dengan dunia hukum yang digeluti selama ini ~ BAGIAN KE-1: BANGUN DARI TIDUR YANG PANJANG Secangkir kopi dan teh berdampingan di meja kecil. Gemericik air dari pahatan pancuran air menemani cairan yang tersimpan di dalam cangkir kopi dan teh. Mata sembab setelah menatap ribuan kalimat di layar komputer. Jemari bergerak secara senyap, memindahkan visual pikiran dan audio batin ke dalam rangkaian gagasan. Awal. Baru memulai. Chaotic . Bangun dari tidur yang panjang.  Terlalu banyak minum kopi dan teh sungguh memicu asam lambung. Cinta yang mendalam terhadap kopi dan teh terganggu dengan asam lambung yang bergerak maraton di dalam tubuh. Kurang b...

Day 17 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Welcome to Day 17. There are some who live day to day, concerned about not having enough, of whatever they feel is necessary, for their happiness and security. Their bodies most likely echo those feelings, by sending messages of discomfort, in the form of anxiety, worry, or stress.

This however doesn’t have to be. Instead, if we learn to trust the intelligence of the universe, and practice living carefreeness, we can live fearlessly, without worrying, and focus on lack. We can expect only the best, and live our lives, from a place of true joy.

When the mind nourishes the body, with its carefree thoughts, and feelings, the body returns to its natural state of happiness and calm. And, from this state of bliss, you’ll be able to regain the memory, of who and what you really are. A spiritual being. Inextricable interconnected, with the creative power of the universe.

Reconnecting with your true nature, you cross the invisible boundary, between the ego and true self. You begin to feel more light hearted, finding humor in everyday circumstances, and laughing more, even at yourself, because you’re no longer take yourself so seriously. You handle the unexpected with calm and ease. And your life, becomes free of melodrama.

What if you learn to detach from worry about the future, and trust it, that there is always enough for anything you need, or desire. How would you change? Would you feel happier, and more carefree?

Notice that all these qualities are available to you, right in this moment, if you choose them. And, in this relaxed and blissful state, there is nothing you lack. All your needs are met, with no exception.

Practice living each moment as it comes with a light and open heart, and pay attention how those carefree moments, carry with them, greater abundance, and boundless joy.

To help you do this, take some time to reflect on good times. Look at old photos, play a favorite song, pet your cat, take a leisurely walk, or spend time with someone who warms your heart.

Experience the joy of all that you love, including yourself. 

As a spiritual being, you fear nothing, because you know there is nothing to fear, and all that truly exist in the world, is love.

As we begin now meditation, take a moment, to place your attention in your heart, and focus today's  centering thought:

I move through my days, light hearted and carefree, knowing all is well. 

I move through my days, light hearted and carefree, knowing all is well.

Now let's begin. Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands lightly in your lap, palms upward and closing your eyes. 

In this moment, go within, to that place of inner quiet, where we experience our connection to the higher self.

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.

Gently introduce today's Sanskrit mantra, repeating it mentally, and allowing it to flow with effortless ease: 

Sat Chit Ananda

Sat Chit Ananda

Existence, consciousness, bliss. 

Sat Chit Ananda

Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention, to mentally repeating the mantra: 

Sat Chit Ananda 

Sat Chit Ananda

Please continue with your meditation. I'll remind the time, and at the end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell, to indicate it's time to release the mantra:

Sat Chit Ananda

Sat Chit Ananda 


It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness back into your body. 

Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. 

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, carried this sense of light-heart with you, reminding yourself of our centering thought for today: 

I move through my days light hearted and carefree knowing all is well.

I move through my days light hearted and carefree knowing all is well.

I move through my days light hearted and carefree knowing all is well.



Day 17 Deepak Chopra 21 Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge - Sat Chit Ananda

Good morning ☀ Welcome to Day 17!


Create a list of all the important things you have. Material, spiritual, emotional, etc. 

For example

I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world 

I have a credit card to pay bills 

I have a real friendship 

I have internet 

I have an affection for husband or wife 

I have memories 

I have an education 

I have a favorite city ... 

There are no high or low limits in the things you can write down. Recognize everything you have that matters to you. 


“I lead my feelings and choose to feel whole, healthy, abundant and blessed.” 


״I move through my days, lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well.” 





Today we look at how we can live carefree - free from judgment and anxiety, focusing on the joy and perfection of what is right now. 

By meditating and plunging into the awareness of the present moment, you understand that it is at this moment, everything is perfect and is what it should be. And that any problems that you have are transient and temporary. You reconnect with your True Self, feeling lighter and free. Throughout life, you will begin to look at everyday circumstances easily and meet surprises calmly and with grace. 

Question N ° 1: How do you feel when you wake up every morning? 

Question N ° 2: How much would your life improve if you lived with a light and carefree heart? 

Question N ° 3: How can you switch your mind to spread the love and joy that you feel in your heart right now? 

Sending you love today❤



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21-Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge Deepak Chopra

[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

Day 1 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 4 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 3 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 5 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 20 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 8 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

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