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Between Facts and Norms, Pemikiran Hukum Jürgen Habermas (2): Pengantar dari Jürgen Habermas

PENGANTAR Jürgen Habermas  | Penerjemah: Anom Surya Putra | Di Jerman, filsafat hukum telah lama tidak lagi menjadi materi pembahasan bagi para filsuf. Jika saya jarang menyebut nama Hegel dan lebih mengandalkan teori hukum Kantian, hal ini juga mengungkapkan keinginan saya untuk menghindari suatu model yang menetapkan standar yang tidak dapat dicapai bagi kita. Memang, bukan kebetulan bahwa filsafat hukum, dalam mencari kontak dengan realitas sosial, telah bermigrasi ke aliran-aliran (mazhab) hukum. [1] Namun, saya juga ingin menghindari ilmu hukum teknis yang terfokus pada fundasi-fundasi hukum pidana. [2] Apa yang dulunya dapat dianut secara koheren dalam konsep-konsep filsafat Hegelian saat ini menuntut pendekatan pluralistis yang menggabungkan perspektif teori moral, teori sosial, teori hukum, serta sosiologi dan sejarah hukum. Saya menyambut ini sebagai kesempatan untuk menampilkan pendekatan pluralistis yang sering tidak diakui/disadari teori tindakan komunikatif. Konsep-konse

Day 7 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Welcome to day seven. Congratulations on completing the first week, of the Chopra Center 21-day meditation challenge, creating abundance.

Over the past six days, we have discovered the reality and source of abundance, which is unlimited and eternal. We've learned that mind, matter, and spirit, work in conjunction with one another, to manifest abundance that in the silent field of all possibilities, dwell the seeds of success, and that when you live from within, your desires are fulfilled quickly, spontaneously, and with minimal effort. 

This week, we'll contemplate what we sometimes call a coincidence, a miracle, or just good luck.

Ask yourself, how long does it take for a dream to come true.

In the minds of some specific conditions must be met, plans must be in place, a certain amount of time must pass, and effort needs to be exerted. However these conditions all spring from the physical three-dimensional world. 

In deeper levels of consciousness, what we call a dream, miracle, or lucky coincidence, can happen, in an instant. Is the lucky coincidence something that happens to some and not to others? Or is what we call luck actually the result of awareness and intention? 

Having your dream spontaneously fulfilled, is not a result of luck, in fact, luck is a concept invented and used by those who have not yet discovered, the incredible power of living in alignment, with the soul, spirit and source. 

Once you realign with your source, you will find that you can spontaneously fulfill your desires, and enjoy everyday miracles, there will never be a need to worry about when, or if your dreams will come true, if you hold the faith and trust, that they will.

Take a moment to envision an every day miracle you'd like to have happen in your life. Consider your circumstances as they are now, and how you'd like them to be. For instance, perhaps you work as an accountant, but have always wanted to express your artistic side, paying attention to your body, notice how you feel when you think about your current circumstances, and when you focus on your dreams, pay attention to these feelings of comfort or discomfort, sadness or joy.

Your body is a wonderful tool to help align you with spirit.

Noting how it feels helps you to make creative choices that will bring you closer to what you desire.

Now as we prepare for meditation, consider today's centering thought: 

I used my conscious intention to manifest my dreams 

I used my conscious intention to manifest my dreams

Now, let's begin.

Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands lightly in your lap, and closing your eyes. 

In this moment, go within, to that place of inner quiet, where we experience our connection to the higher self. 

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.

Gently introduce today's Sanskrit mantra, repeating it mentally, and allowing it to flow with effortless ease:



Existence, Consciousness, Bliss


Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention, to mentally repeating the mantra:


Please continue with your meditation, I'll remind the time and at the end, you'll hear me ring a soft a bell to indicate it's time to release the mantra:



Just mentally...

~ Meditation ~

It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness back into your body.

Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply, when you feel ready, gently, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, carry the sense of unlimited potential with you, and remember today's centering thought: 

I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams

I used my conscious intention to manifest my dreams 

I used my conscious intention to manifest my dreams



Day 7. Now that you're wired for success, here is another powerful meditation and task! 🙏🏽


Create a list of people that make you feel uncomfortable. This may include people from the list of the first day, i.e. those who have pushed you to growth and have brought something meaningful to your life. Here we are talking about the energy of discomfort. It can be your relatives or people who are now far from you. Your litmus test here is a feeling of discomfort, "I feel unpleasant." Including if it is not a constant feeling of communicating with this person. 

For example, it can be neighbours, employees, bosses, family members, members of the government. Remember that these people may trigger you, and at the same time, may also be your teachers or mentors. 

Also, congratulations! We have been on the road now for a week !!! Woohoo! 😍😇🙏


"I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams"


Sat-Chit-Ananda. Sat-Chit-Ananda. 

Have a wonderful day!🙏🏽❤



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21-Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge Deepak Chopra

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Permendagri No. 114/2014 tentang Pembangunan Desa Tidak Berlaku, Lex Posterior Derogat Legi Priori

Sosiologi Hukum Mathieu Deflem (3): Memulihkan Sosiologi Hukum

Between Facts and Norms, Pemikiran Hukum Jürgen Habermas (2): Pengantar dari Jürgen Habermas