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[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

 HUKUM KOMUNIKATIF Karya: Anom Surya Putra ~ Naskah (calon) buku yang ditulis dalam keadaan "chaotic", non-sistematis, sedikit mengandung aforis atau metafor, tidak bermanfaat bagi praktisi hukum, dan mungkin berguna bagi pemula yang hendak membaca "hukum" dengan cara rebahan, atau bacaan ringan bagi individu yang mati-langkah dengan dunia hukum yang digeluti selama ini ~ BAGIAN KE-1: BANGUN DARI TIDUR YANG PANJANG Secangkir kopi dan teh berdampingan di meja kecil. Gemericik air dari pahatan pancuran air menemani cairan yang tersimpan di dalam cangkir kopi dan teh. Mata sembab setelah menatap ribuan kalimat di layar komputer. Jemari bergerak secara senyap, memindahkan visual pikiran dan audio batin ke dalam rangkaian gagasan. Awal. Baru memulai. Chaotic . Bangun dari tidur yang panjang.  Terlalu banyak minum kopi dan teh sungguh memicu asam lambung. Cinta yang mendalam terhadap kopi dan teh terganggu dengan asam lambung yang bergerak maraton di dalam tubuh. Kurang b...

Day 2 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Welcome to day two. All material creation, everything we can see, touch, hear, taste, and smell, is made from the same stuff, and comes from the same source. While we may refer to the source by different names, God, a higher power, the Holy Spirit, or perhaps the cosmos, this source is the entire universe, the unified field. Everything, that is beyond the perception, of the five senses.

The key to living in abundant life, is to embrace the idea that abundance comes from this Unified Field. Within it lies the power of infinite creativity, just waiting for your call.

Whether you desire more love, more joy, more friends, more money, or better health, it's all yours for the asking and accepting. And if you're willing to release any resistance you may have to experiencing abundance, relinquish any belief that you are limited. Open your mind and heart to the possibility, that you can attract whatever you want in life, and abundance will flow to you, effortlessly and easily.

True abundance begins with the thought, followed by an intention, a clear understanding of what you want to have happen, then, an expectation, and finally, a pervasive feeling, that lets you know you can be, do and have anything your heart desires, as long as you believe in this possibility, it serves you and others, and brings harm to no one. This is the exquisite creative process, of attraction at work.

Inviting the unlimited abundance that already exists around you, into your life, requires only your awareness, intention, and silence.

No matter what your life was like in the past, now is your time to enjoy all the fruits of abundance, by going directly to the source, and accepting what is waiting there for you. For today's meditation, ask yourself the question, what would I like to have more of in my life?

Maybe you want more love, or better health.

Allow your answer to help you form a clear intention, of whatever it is you desire.

As we go into meditation, plant the seed of this intention, into the fertile soil of the Unified Field, and allow the universe to take care of the details.

As we prepare to reconnect with the Unified Field, the source of all abundance, let's focus on today centering thought: 

I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.

I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.

Now let's begin. Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands lightly in your lap, and closing your eyes.

In this moment, go within, to that place of inner quiet, where we experience our connection to the higher self.

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.

Gently introduce today's Sanskrit mantra, repeating it mentally, and allowing it to flow, with effortless ease:

Aham Brahmasmi

Aham Brahmasmi

The core of my being is the ultimate reality

Aham Brahmasmi

Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention, to mentally repeating the mantra: 


Please continue with your meditation. I'll remind the time, and at the end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell, to indicate it's time to release the mantra:


~ Meditation ~ 

It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness, back into your body.

Take a moment, to rest inhaling and exhaling, slowly, and deeply. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, carry the sense of abundance with you, reminding yourself of today's centering thought: 

I create my personal abundance from an infinite source 

I create my personal abundance from an infinite source 

I create my personal abundance from an infinite source



Day 2 DEEPAK CHOPRA 21-Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge - Aham Brahmasmi

Source of Abundance. DAY 2 ✅✅ Welcome to the second day everyone! I hope you're enjoying the flow so far!! 


It will seem simple to some people but not to others. Remember that if it is difficult for you to perform any task, then it is clear that there is a block - an obstacle in your mind on the path towards attaining abundance.

Debt on a bank account, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts - all of your debts, of any kind.

Be aware of this and STICK with it! I promise you it will be worth it. The very fact you are on this journey means you can. 

Write all of your debts in your notebook. No need to record the amount, only to whom and for what. For example: a mortgage, a car loan, a debt to VISA for a gift to Tanya, etc. 

And after that make a list of all your monthly payments. Again without numbers, just listing. For example: renting an apartment, electricity, gas, land tax, water, an accountant, a kindergarten, a music tutor, a gym, a manicure, insurance, gasoline, etc. 

Everything you have to pay each month should be recorded. In general, create a complete list of sources of your monthly expenses, constant and changing. For some, this list will be extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all the areas of your life in which you pay money. You may need to add what you remember even throughout the day. 


Write the phrase of the day in your notebook "I create my personal abundance from an infinite source" 


Aham Brahmasmi ... Aham Brahmasmi 

Answer the question, “What does abundance mean to you?” If you want, you can write the answer in your notebook.

May the energy of abundance of this beautiful group continue to grow and fill us all! Have a beautiful day! ❤



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21-Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge Deepak Chopra

[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

Day 1 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 4 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 3 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 5 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 20 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Day 8 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

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