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[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

 HUKUM KOMUNIKATIF Karya: Anom Surya Putra ~ Naskah (calon) buku yang ditulis dalam keadaan "chaotic", non-sistematis, sedikit mengandung aforis atau metafor, tidak bermanfaat bagi praktisi hukum, dan mungkin berguna bagi pemula yang hendak membaca "hukum" dengan cara rebahan, atau bacaan ringan bagi individu yang mati-langkah dengan dunia hukum yang digeluti selama ini ~ BAGIAN KE-1: BANGUN DARI TIDUR YANG PANJANG Secangkir kopi dan teh berdampingan di meja kecil. Gemericik air dari pahatan pancuran air menemani cairan yang tersimpan di dalam cangkir kopi dan teh. Mata sembab setelah menatap ribuan kalimat di layar komputer. Jemari bergerak secara senyap, memindahkan visual pikiran dan audio batin ke dalam rangkaian gagasan. Awal. Baru memulai. Chaotic . Bangun dari tidur yang panjang.  Terlalu banyak minum kopi dan teh sungguh memicu asam lambung. Cinta yang mendalam terhadap kopi dan teh terganggu dengan asam lambung yang bergerak maraton di dalam tubuh. Kurang b...

Day 6 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Welcome to day six. We are born with everything we need, the life of fulfillment and success. 

But often we measure our love, joy, health, vitality, and other positive qualities, by comparing ourselves to someone or something else.

Perhaps thinking thoughts like, I have a loving relationship, but not as loving as my friends. Or, I live in a nice house, but not as big as my brothers. Or, I have a good job, and I don't make as much money as my colleague.

Such comparisons, stem from object referral, looking outside oneself for validation. But an abundant life is not about external comparisons. Instead, a life of fulfillment comes from within, through the knowledge that you were created with everything you need to be happy and successful, and can access those seeds of abundance, at any time.

Currently all over the world many people are experiencing difficult times. When we experience such setbacks, we sometimes feel like we will never achieve success. Yet, in every perceived failure or setback, is the seed of success. 

In every situation, we have new opportunities to find creative solutions for our problems. Redefine our priorities, and explore other options.

We begin to view our challenges more positively, once we realize, that we possess the power to focus our attention on new possibilities. And possibilities for abundance are endless. There are no limits to what we can have.

Take the time to look at each situation that challenges you, and find those seeds of success that will attract greater abundance into your life. As we prepare to go into silence, let's consider the abundant banquet of life, that has been spread before us, in all its splendor, and spend a moment focusing on this centering thought:

Everything I desire is within me.

Everything I desire is within me.

Now, let's begin. 

Please find a comfortable position. Placing your hands lightly in your lap, and closing your eyes.

In this moment, go within, to that place of inner quite, where we experience a connection to the higher self.

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.

Now, gently introduce the mantra, repeating it mentally and allowing it to flow with effortless ease:


Everything I desire is within me.



Just mentally whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises and the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra:


Please continue with your meditation. I'll remind the time, and at the end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell, to indicate it's time to release the mantra:


~ Meditation ~

It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness back into your body.

Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. 

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes. 

As you continue with your day, take with you the sense of stillness, and consider today's centering thought:

Everything I desire is within me.

Everything I desire is within me.

Everything I desire is within me.



Day 6 DEEPAK CHOPRA 21 Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge - RAM RAM RAM

Day 6. Congratulations to all of you who have created their own abundant groups! Woohoo!! Now we enter what's called Operating Mode ✈

I recommend staying organized with your groups and remaining timely. Observe the order and terms of assignments and use the original texts. Remember that we only transmit what we received ourselves! We continue to work with our groups and begin the 6th day. 

Statement: "I, (full name, last name), am starting a new relationship with money today.” 
Money is good, pure, useful and necessary for my prosperity and growth, for my satisfaction and abundance. 
Money brings positive things to my life. The success that I experience in life brings me money and happiness, for me and my loved ones. I deserve to flourish and have a lot of money. 
Money is my friend and the value of my investments in it is growing every day. Success and money accompany me, here and now. I ask my parents, grandparents, and ancestors to the very origins of the clan, who had difficulties due to lack of money, to bless me and give me permission to live differently. And I ask my parents, grandparents, and ancestors to inspire me to the very origins of the family, who lived in abundance and prosperity.” 

Write this statement 10 times in your notebook by hand. After that record yourself reading this statement with soul, expression and sense of attachment, i.e. sincerely, on audio or video. This task is the longest in our journey, it can take about an hour. Before performing - sit comfortably, relax, inhale several times slowly and deeply through the nose and exhale as slowly through the nose. Our brain learns through repetition and rehearsal. Therefore, tune in to connect with what you will write. All of this is necessary to harmonize your internal relationship with money. 

Everything I desire is within me! 

Mantra of the Day
RAM RAM RAM ... As a reminder, it is completely normal to experience discomfort and resistance to some tasks. This journey highlights your blocks and negative programming clearly so that you can see what is stopping you from living the abundant life that you desire. 

You all are doing amazing! Keep it up!! Have a wonderful day! Wishing you clarity -Welcome home to you! 🙏🏽❤

Next: DAY 7


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21-Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge Deepak Chopra

[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

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