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Between Facts and Norms, Pemikiran Hukum Jürgen Habermas (2): Pengantar dari Jürgen Habermas

PENGANTAR Jürgen Habermas  | Penerjemah: Anom Surya Putra | Di Jerman, filsafat hukum telah lama tidak lagi menjadi materi pembahasan bagi para filsuf. Jika saya jarang menyebut nama Hegel dan lebih mengandalkan teori hukum Kantian, hal ini juga mengungkapkan keinginan saya untuk menghindari suatu model yang menetapkan standar yang tidak dapat dicapai bagi kita. Memang, bukan kebetulan bahwa filsafat hukum, dalam mencari kontak dengan realitas sosial, telah bermigrasi ke aliran-aliran (mazhab) hukum. [1] Namun, saya juga ingin menghindari ilmu hukum teknis yang terfokus pada fundasi-fundasi hukum pidana. [2] Apa yang dulunya dapat dianut secara koheren dalam konsep-konsep filsafat Hegelian saat ini menuntut pendekatan pluralistis yang menggabungkan perspektif teori moral, teori sosial, teori hukum, serta sosiologi dan sejarah hukum. Saya menyambut ini sebagai kesempatan untuk menampilkan pendekatan pluralistis yang sering tidak diakui/disadari teori tindakan komunikatif. Konsep-konse

Day 8 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Welcome to day eight. Welcome to our second week of the Chopra Center 21-Day meditation challenge. 

This week you will learn how to attract greater abundance, by applying the laws from my book, the seven spiritual laws of success to your life.

Today we'll focus on the first law. The law of pure potentiality, which asserts that in our essential state, we are pure consciousness, pure potentiality and the field of all possibilities. 

When you discover your true nature, and know who you really are, you experience pure being, and sand fearless, in the face of any challenge.

In this state, you're anchored in the unlimited and eternal power of the Self, restores people situations and circumstances to you, to help support your deepest desires.

Engage in our daily activities, we sometimes hear thoughts and opinions, often expressed as fact, that do not reflect our divine essence, for instance, we may hear news that good jobs are scarce, the global financial picture is bleak, or the world's resources are rapidly dwindling. 

It's important to note that such statements are not universal truths. Instead they represent a collective consciousness that projects an overarching sense of scarcity, and the false illusion of competition.

With so much negativity going around us, how then do we discover, that deepest part of ourselves.

Coming into silence, we are able to tune into ourselves, and embrace our inner knowing, aligned with spirit, or a higher self, required the chatter and negativity of our three-dimensional world, and tap into our unlimited power. 

Here in the stillness, we experience our inner essence which ultimately helps us manifest, our heartfelt needs and desires.

Spending time each day to silently commune with nature, and witnessing it's perfect intelligence, will also allow us to connect with higher consciousness, and yet another way to achieve inner calm, is to release the need to judge and evaluate people, and circumstances as good or bad, right or wrong. 

When we judge people and events in our lives, we create turbulence that gets in the way of our connecting with the higher self.

Relinquishing this need will enable us to find that place of deep stillness.

To put the law of pure potentiality into practice today, commit to spending some time in silence, and nature. Free yourself from the need to judge people or situations, say to yourself, today I will judge nothing that occurs, and periodically remind yourself of that commitment.

Now, let's prepare for meditation, allowing this message to settle into your consciousness: 

Through the law of pure potentiality, I can create anything, anytime, anywhere.

Through the law of pure potentiality, I can create anything, anytime, anywhere.

Now let's begin. Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands lightly in your lap, and closing your eyes.

In this moment, go within, to that place of inner quiet, where we experience our connection to the higher self.

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.

Now, gently introduce the Sanskrit mantra, for the law of pure potentiality, repeating it mentally and allowing it to flow, with effortless ease:

Om Bhavam Namah

Om Bhavam Namah

I am absolutely existence, I am a field of all possibilities.

Om Bhavam Namah

Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra:

Om Bhavam Namah

Please continue with your meditation, I'll remind the time and at the end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell, to indicate it's time to release the mantra: 

Om Bhavam Namah

Om Bhavam Namah


It's time to release the mantra. 

Please bring your awareness back into your body. 

Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, carry the sense of abundance with you, reminding yourself of today's centering thought:

Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere

Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere

Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere



Day 8 DEEPAK CHOPRA 21 Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge - Om Bhavam Namah

Congratulations. Day 8 Abundance and the Law of Pure Potentiality. Welcome to the second week.

This week you will learn how to attract greater abundance by applying the 7 spiritual laws of success to your life. Today, we will focus on the first law, The law of pure potentiality. Enjoy!

We’ve completed one week together with all of the distractions 🙏🏽 I am so happy for each one of you who are in this flow together. 


Find at least 5 receipts of recent purchases. 

Write on each of them: “All that is invested is good and will return to itself seven times.” 

Receipts can be of any type: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car, health, hairdresser, entertainment, etc. If your purchase receipts are electronic, you may create a paper receipt by writing the amount, date and to whom you paid on a piece of paper. And from now on, on each purchase receipt that you receive, write this statement. 

Remember, it’s important not only what you write, but also how you write it. Words have power. They help your mind build new programming and therefore create a new reality. 


“Through the law of pure potentiality, I can create anything, anytime, anywhere.” 


Om Bhavam Namah. Om Bhavam Namah. 

Have a wonderful day!🙏🏽❤



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21-Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge Deepak Chopra

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Permendagri No. 114/2014 tentang Pembangunan Desa Tidak Berlaku, Lex Posterior Derogat Legi Priori

Sosiologi Hukum Mathieu Deflem (3): Memulihkan Sosiologi Hukum

Between Facts and Norms, Pemikiran Hukum Jürgen Habermas (2): Pengantar dari Jürgen Habermas