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[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

 HUKUM KOMUNIKATIF Karya: Anom Surya Putra ~ Naskah (calon) buku yang ditulis dalam keadaan "chaotic", non-sistematis, sedikit mengandung aforis atau metafor, tidak bermanfaat bagi praktisi hukum, dan mungkin berguna bagi pemula yang hendak membaca "hukum" dengan cara rebahan, atau bacaan ringan bagi individu yang mati-langkah dengan dunia hukum yang digeluti selama ini ~ BAGIAN KE-1: BANGUN DARI TIDUR YANG PANJANG Secangkir kopi dan teh berdampingan di meja kecil. Gemericik air dari pahatan pancuran air menemani cairan yang tersimpan di dalam cangkir kopi dan teh. Mata sembab setelah menatap ribuan kalimat di layar komputer. Jemari bergerak secara senyap, memindahkan visual pikiran dan audio batin ke dalam rangkaian gagasan. Awal. Baru memulai. Chaotic . Bangun dari tidur yang panjang.  Terlalu banyak minum kopi dan teh sungguh memicu asam lambung. Cinta yang mendalam terhadap kopi dan teh terganggu dengan asam lambung yang bergerak maraton di dalam tubuh. Kurang b...

District Regulation of BPD (Village Consultative Agency), Between Function and Operational Compensation

One of urgent mandates of Village Law No. 6/2014 to declare in a area of local government is district regulation about Village Consultative Agency (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa; BPD). Since 2014, the law department (Bagian Hukum) of Ngawi district as a part of local government has started discussing the draft of BPD district regulation (website of Ngawikab, 2/12/2015). On the other hand, civil society organization like Lakpesdam NU, Ngawi branch, proposed communication forum of BPD in order to the BPD's function becomes real in the field. 

Collaboration between local government and civil society organization is important to guarantee the transition of BPD toward the substantive democracy. Legal policy (ius constitutum) through Government Regulation No. 72 Year 2005 on Village, since 15 years ago, it is filled with conflict between BPD and Head of Village or village government officials. However, there are also many BPDs who have built innovative partnership with village government. For example, Julubory village, Gowa, Southeast Sulawesi, conducted deliberative forum of village cadre of participative planning and budgeting (Sutoro Eko, Desa Membangun Indonesia, 2014). 

Regulation Ambiguity 

Position of BPD remains in crossway of regulation ambiguity. Village Law No. 6/2014 has delegated norms about the establishment of district regulation of BPD (vide Article 65 point 2 of Village Law). On the other hand, government regulation of village law implementation ordered Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) regulation on BPD (vide Article 79, Government Regulation No. 47/2015). In my opinion, legal policy of Village Law directs legislative drafting agenda quickly through local and village autonomy. The presence of MoHA regulation tends to delay implementation of self-reliance of BPD. In the context of regulation ambiguity, it needs legal policy that reinterprets delegated direction of Village Law and Government Regulation No. 47/2015. The existence of district regulation of BPD is urgent to emerge (het noodzakelijkheidsbeginsel) as a legal basis and legitimation of BPD improvement.

We need deconstruct a thought of BPD law after the implementation of Village Law. Pancasila, especially ‘the fourth sila’ emphasizes combination of ‘hikmat/kebijaksanaan’ values within ‘permusyawaratan/perwakilan’. Nowadays, BPD is based on the value of village wisdom (‘hikmat berdesa’), which means the authentic village autonomy that always lies on deliberation. BPD becomes a village institution which is involved to conduct the function of village governance, but BPD is not involved in regulating and managing technically. The power of BPD lies on the function of ‘Musyawarah Desa’ arrangement, accommodation and distribution of villager aspiration, as well as monitoring the head of village’s performance.

Legislation of BPD's function becomes under the function of Musyawarah Desa arrangement which is to discuss and to agree together about draft of village regulation (‘Peraturan Desa’). In contrast to the government regulation on BPD before, e.g. Government Regulation No. 72/2005 on Village, it is based on local wisdom in the political space of representative democracy. I have discussed with BPD in West Sumatra, the thought of BPD still based on value of local wisdom as ‘District Parliament in village’. The characteristic of representative democracy from central government has given a political practice of procedural democracy. No wonder, most of the BPD have a little initiative, and are only being the institution of village regulation justification, or involved in conflict that is related to Village Government. 

Political Function and Compensation 

District regulation of BPD should return BPD to the village autonomy. Political function of BPD in the village deliberative forum is the main substance of district regulation of BPD. 

First, to build the norm of deliberation in BPD’s meeting. Legislation of BPD's function is strengthened through the meeting of BPD which is conducted before Musyawarah Desa that discusses draft of village regulation (Peraturan Desa; Perdes). Villager aspiration from local area must be discussed first in the meeting of BPD.

Second, to implement function of aspiration. BPD can build the system of aspiration distribution, which can be conducted through ‘kotak aspirasi’ (aspirations box) or other technology which support participation of villagers. In those function, BPD must prioritize village public service in the local scale, such as education and health for villagers. 

Third, function of monitoring to village head’s performance. BPD conducts handling complain system. The monitoring process is different with auditing process. I suggest BPD would cooperate village societal organization or civil society organization for building system of monitoring and evaluation for all of activities, for example, basic service, village government administration, strengthening village societal organization, and villager’s development and empowerment. 

Fourth, BPD’s institutionalize. BPD's function can be strengthened through Rule of Conduct and Code of Ethics. Those documents have to be published, so then villagers are able to know the principle of BPD’s performance. The Rule of Conduct and the Code of Ethics of BPD have to consider the local culture and do not need to only duplicate those similar documents of local parliament (DPRD). 

Fifth, BPD’s budget. The authority of BPD in arranging ‘Musyawarah Desa’ absolutely is funded by village budget revenue and expenditure (APBDesa). Beside, performance of BPD must be supported by budget for compensation of each position, operational, and presence. For examples, compensation of chairman of BPD which is 40 percent of fixed income of Village Head (Penghasilan Tetap; SILTAP), compensation of BPD member’s for transportation and communication, and compensation for presence in BPD meeting and Musyawarah Desa.

Lastly, district regulation of BPD can regulate the authority of district government, such as training, improving partnership between BPD and inspectorat (government auditor), rewarding BPD performance, and facilitating BPD administration. Substance of punishment in those district regulations only regulate the sanction of dismissal for member of BPD who have violated Rule of Conduct and Code of Ethics, based on the recommendation BPD meeting.*

Writer: Anom Surya Putra


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