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Between Facts and Norms, Pemikiran Hukum Jürgen Habermas (2): Pengantar dari Jürgen Habermas

PENGANTAR Jürgen Habermas  | Penerjemah: Anom Surya Putra | Di Jerman, filsafat hukum telah lama tidak lagi menjadi materi pembahasan bagi para filsuf. Jika saya jarang menyebut nama Hegel dan lebih mengandalkan teori hukum Kantian, hal ini juga mengungkapkan keinginan saya untuk menghindari suatu model yang menetapkan standar yang tidak dapat dicapai bagi kita. Memang, bukan kebetulan bahwa filsafat hukum, dalam mencari kontak dengan realitas sosial, telah bermigrasi ke aliran-aliran (mazhab) hukum. [1] Namun, saya juga ingin menghindari ilmu hukum teknis yang terfokus pada fundasi-fundasi hukum pidana. [2] Apa yang dulunya dapat dianut secara koheren dalam konsep-konsep filsafat Hegelian saat ini menuntut pendekatan pluralistis yang menggabungkan perspektif teori moral, teori sosial, teori hukum, serta sosiologi dan sejarah hukum. Saya menyambut ini sebagai kesempatan untuk menampilkan pendekatan pluralistis yang sering tidak diakui/disadari teori tindakan komunikatif. Konsep-konse

Day 20 21-Day Meditation Challenge Creating Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

Welcome to Day 20. When you believe you are valuable, you surround yourself with luxury, comforts and pleasures, beyond those needed for everyday living. 

Luxury is not materialism, it doesn't have to be an expensive car or opulent home, it can simply be the sweet fragrance of flowers, picked from a garden, a drop of scented oil in a warm bath, a piece of rich chocolate, or the sound of beautiful music. These are life small luxuries that cost very little, but means so much.

Do you feel worthy of such luxury? Luxury is a natural state, and abundance our birthright.

As Vedic wisdom tells us, every person is a piece of gold, pure gold is your essence, created from the love of the universe.

Gold is as luminescent, and cherished, as are you.

As such a treasure you deserve all the good the world has to offer, with this in mind know that by elevating your view of yourself, you elevate the quality of your life. 

Your outer world will echo your thoughts, beliefs and intentions, that you are a treasured being, worthy of abundance.

Practice living luxury today, take some time to do something for yourself, that you consider luxurious. 

Take a bubble bath, or a long walk, meet a good friend for tea, or lose yourself, in a favorite old film. Make this a habit, the more you bring small luxuries into your life, the more you will recognize yourself, as a worthy spiritual being, deserving of love and abundance.

Preparing for our meditation, let's focus on today's centering thought: 

Today I treat myself to moments of luxury

Today I treat myself to moments of luxury

Now let's begin.

Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands lightly in your lap, and closing your eyes. 

In this moment, go within to that place of inner quiet, where we experience our connection to the higher self.

Let go of all thoughts, and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.

Now, gentlyz introduce the mantra, repeating it mentally, and allowing it to flow with effortless ease:



My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence.


Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention, to mentally repeating the mantra: 


Please continue with your meditation. I'll remind the time and at the end, you'll hear me ring a soft bell, to indicate it's time to release the mantra: 



Now just mentally...


It's time to release the mantra.

Please bring your awareness back into your body.

Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. 

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes

As you continue with your day, carry the sense of luxurious abundance with you, reminding yourself of today's centering thought:

Today I treat myself to moments of luxury

Today I treat myself to moments of luxury

Today I treat myself to moments of luxury



Day 20 DEEPAK CHOPRA 21 Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge - OM RITAM NAMAH

Day 20. Scroll through your journal, read the tasks you’ve performed. See if there is something that you missed. Would you like to supplement anything in the light of your new awareness? After that, think about someone in your life and/or environment who seems to be unhappy or going through a challenging time.

This person may complain often and have a generally negative view of life. It could be someone from the 7th day list or someone else. Share the parable from Day 19 with this person and write down what happens in your journal.

How did you feel sharing the parable with him her? What thoughts, associations, sensations arose in the process? Did they answer? Did you talk about it, what did you discuss? You never know whose life you can impact, and shift when you share with them what you’ve learned. 


“Live on the fat of the land.” 

Today we look at the concept of luxury, adding to your life something that is much more significant than just a necessity. When you feel that you are worthy to receive all the blessings that the Universe can offer you, your needs are satisfied easily and even more than necessary. As soon as you learn to accept the grace that has been sent to you, you are showing the universe that you deserve only the best and are ready to receive it.

QUESTION N ° 1: How is luxury manifested in your life? 

QUESTION N ° 2: What luxurious gifts do you present yourself? 

QUESTION N ° 3: How can you bring luxury to others? 


“Today I treat myself to moments of luxury”





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