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[Calon Buku] Hukum Komunikatif by Anom Surya Putra

 HUKUM KOMUNIKATIF Karya: Anom Surya Putra ~ Naskah (calon) buku yang ditulis dalam keadaan "chaotic", non-sistematis, sedikit mengandung aforis atau metafor, tidak bermanfaat bagi praktisi hukum, dan mungkin berguna bagi pemula yang hendak membaca "hukum" dengan cara rebahan, atau bacaan ringan bagi individu yang mati-langkah dengan dunia hukum yang digeluti selama ini ~ BAGIAN KE-1: BANGUN DARI TIDUR YANG PANJANG Secangkir kopi dan teh berdampingan di meja kecil. Gemericik air dari pahatan pancuran air menemani cairan yang tersimpan di dalam cangkir kopi dan teh. Mata sembab setelah menatap ribuan kalimat di layar komputer. Jemari bergerak secara senyap, memindahkan visual pikiran dan audio batin ke dalam rangkaian gagasan. Awal. Baru memulai. Chaotic . Bangun dari tidur yang panjang.  Terlalu banyak minum kopi dan teh sungguh memicu asam lambung. Cinta yang mendalam terhadap kopi dan teh terganggu dengan asam lambung yang bergerak maraton di dalam tubuh. Kurang b...

21 Days of Meditation Challenge - Manifesting True Success - Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey

Day 1 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success is a Living Reality

We warmly welcome you to our 21-Day challenge: Manifesting True Success. We are so glad you are joining us. We will be looking at the idea of success in an entirely new way.

Instead of seeing success as an outer goal, we arrive at, we will learn to experience it as an inner state of being that we can live right now.

You are already manifesting your success because success is a creative endeavor. It is the evolving realization of worthy goals. We will learn how to align our choices and aims with the values and worthwhile goals we hold within us.

The key to knowing what is important to you, and what direction you want your life to grow, is to develop Self-Awareness. In our three weeks together, our meditations will awaken our consciousness so that we can manifest the kind of success that is true to who we are.

“Success is not a destination, but the road that you’re on.”  - Marlon Wayans

Deepak and I (Oprah) are happy to share this transformational 21-day meditation challenge with you.  

Over the next three weeks together, we are going to explore and come to know what true success really is, and then, through meditation, you will feel your own powerful ability to manifest true success in every area of your life.  

In week 1, we focus deep within where true success emanates and grows, from the wisest, most profound part of your very being. What I’ve learned over the years is that true success is not what you achieve today, it’s not even about all of the accomplishments or acquisitions you hope to gain tomorrow.  

What I know for sure is, real success is lasting, rewarding, soul-filling.  Success is sustained when we can embrace the greater energy within us and that is ultimately the energy of love which is also the energy of inspiration, creation, expansion, generosity and joy.  

So, when you can open yourself up to those forces, the universe inherently begins to co-create with you.  What happens is wondrous, amazing success beyond your biggest dreams. When you can learn to quiet your mind, you being to innately feel and know your own truest destiny. Goals take on a new meaning.  

Your light gets brighter and the path gets clearer and easier – always. Listen as Deepak illuminates a new understanding of goals and success.  Then we’ll meditate and let the transformation begin.

“I create my success from within”

“Sheevo Hum” 
I am infinity

Journal Questions
  • Write in your journal your vision of a successful life.
  • Make a list of three or four worthy goals.
  • Describe how you are already living and actualizing certain parts of your worthy goals.
  • Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 2 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success Increases Love

Our meditation today (Success Increases Love) is about understanding the central role love plays in our success. We might think that our relationships, our passions, and caring for ourselves and for others may only be a small factor in our overall success in life.

But these bonds of love define our emotional core and tell us who we are and how we are connected to the world. These currents of love, caring, and passion is what awakens our creativity and carry us forward to accomplish big things in life.

By tapping into your love, you are establishing your success on your core values and truths. Living your life from that center of love, you can only be successful.

“Do what you do with love, and success is a natural symptom.” - James Altucher

Welcome to day 2 of our journey toward manifesting true success.  The great spiritualist, Thomas Merton said, Love is not just something that happens to you, it is a certain special way of being alive.  

What I know for sure is if you invite love to flow through your heart space into everything and everyone around you, that flow elevates you.  

It will connect you to all that is and will become a constant north star, a guiding light illuminating the way to unbounded good fortune for you – whether it’s the love of what you do, the love of others, or most importantly, loving yourself.  

Each moment of love that you create gathers significance and becomes its own miracle.  That, My Friend, is a life of success to let’s listen to Deepak, and then we’ll meditate.  Miracles await us.

“I am here to bring more love into the world”

“Aham Prema”
I am Love

Journal Questions
  • How do you express love in your work? Write down three ways you emotionally connect at your job.
  • Write about how you share the benefits of your success with those around you.
  • Reflect on the affection you hold for those who share your passion and who are helping you succeed. Now write down three ways you can strengthen those connections.
  • Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 3 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success Frees Your Creativity

Today’s meditation (Success Frees Your Creativity) brings us deep within to the source of our thoughts, feelings, and desires. This is our creative source, the place from which we create our present experience from moment to moment.

Getting reconnected to your inner self is the key to manifesting lifelong success. When you approach each moment with fresh eyes and an open heart, you are no longer defined by your past pain or your fears for the future.

This creative power of your conscious self is a new kind of creativity. It’s not limited to artistic ability or outside-the-box problem-solving. It is the power of your being to recreate the unique expression of life that is you at this present moment.

That is the primal creativity of Nature itself moving through you, and this is the creative power behind all success.

“The key to success is discovering your innate power and using it daily.” - Les Brown

Welcome!  It’s day 3 of our meditation challenge. Today, we explore the essential connection between success and creativity. With each breath you take, and each sensation you feel, you’re creating and recreating yourself in divine rhythm with the very moment you are living.  

Just take that in for a moment. The more deeply immersed you are in this present moment, the more fully your creative spirit flourishes.  You renew yourself and open doors to the success that comes from evolving, growing, and receiving the abundance your life holds for you.  

Really!  Connect with that creative flow. Let it’s current carry you.  It is the infinite wellspring of success. Listen now as Deepak guides us to our inner creativity. Open yourself up and from there we will meditate.

“I draw from the wellspring of my creativity.”

“Har Haray Haree”
Creative forces flow through me

Journal Questions
  1. Consider how much of your life is lived creatively, independent of past conditioning and old beliefs. Do you feel you are ready to let go of some of that conditioning and those constricting beliefs?
  2. Write down a description of yourself as a creative spirit who generates your personal reality from within. List some of the old thoughts, feelings, and attitudes you used to hold on to that limited your expression.
  3. Expand on this description of your creative self by envisioning yourself feeling new and energized each day, eager to embrace the unknown and the possibilities it may bring.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 4 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | A Successful Body

Welcome to Day 4: A Successful Body. Our body is our primary supporter and ally for all the success we make in life. To be our solid foundation of success, our body must be aligned with the present moment, and with our goals, our values, and our loves.

For that, we must free the body from the false images the media and society tell us is the ideal body. Those external standards of youthful beauty and attractiveness are not the criteria for a successful body.

For your body to be a true ally in a successful life, it only needs to support your wellbeing. That means not only general physical health, but also a sense of energy and lightness that upholds your awareness in the present moment with alertness, receptivity, and creativity.

You can have this kind of body if you treat it as a dear and trusted friend. If you make choices for your body on this basis, your body will take care of your well-being and that will express itself as a successful life.

“A healthy body and a sound mind are necessary to achieve success in life.” - Yajur Veda

Today, we align body and spirit in harmony as we continue our journey toward manifesting true success. I love this quote from The Buddha. “Our body is precious”.

It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” There is so much wisdom in our bodies.  It is our greatest ally, always seeking to renew, rebalance, support, and sustain us.  

As Deepak will teach us, our bodies help us enhance and enrich each moment to its fullest.  When mind, body, and spirit are in sync, life becomes a symphony and every moment a unique and powerful note.  So let’s embrace how our bodies faithfully support us.

Listen as Deepak leads us toward a new understanding of the vital role our bodies play in creating success. And then we will meditate.

“I gain lightness and energy from my body”

“Om Ram Ramaya”
Perfect balance energizes my body

Journal Questions
  1. Today’s meditation encourages us to relate to our body as a trusted friend to ensure it supports our success. Write about how you can better listen to your body and respond to its signals when it’s hungry, tired, or stressed.
  2. List three things you can do to be a protective friend to your body and minimize stresses and toxins it may be exposed to
  3. Knowing that your body likes regular rhythms for eating, sleeping, meditating, and exercising to help it maintain balance, what adjustments in your routine can you adopt to support your biorhythms?
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience

Day 5 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | A Successful Mind

Our meditation today (A Successful Mind) is on making your mind an ally in your success. Just as we learned how befriending the body supports us in manifesting success, your mind also plays an essential role in helping you pursue your worthy goals.

Although everyone’s mind has almost limitless potential for creativity, inspiration, and insight, we tend to vastly underutilize our minds out of habit and lack of exercise.

Fortunately, the mind is adaptable and can renew itself at any time. This flexibility is reflected in neuroscience research that tells us the functioning of the brain is capable of laying down new neural pathways, as well as healing and regenerating new brain cells. All the brain requires is the directive of the mind.

When your mind becomes your close ally, you can overcome self-defeating thought patterns and replace them with self-supporting thoughts, laying the foundation for meaningful success.

“Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.” - Lydia M. Child

Welcome to Day 5, A successful Mind. Yesterday we explored how the body supports us in renewing and re-energizing our success every day. The same is true of our brilliant minds.  

By now, we all understand that our thoughts create our reality and what we think determines what shows up for us. Change the way you think and you change your life.  That is true!

Allow yourself thoughts that transcend the boundaries of what you think you know.  Let your mind expand to embrace the challenging and new. Trust the thoughts that uplift you, bringing you fresh and inspired insights.  

There are treasures in our minds if we give ourselves the time, permission, and space to discover them. We are inviting success that knows no limits.

So let’s join Deepak now in exploring some of those riches and then we will meditate.

I gain insight and inspiration from my mind”

“Om Hreem Namah” 
I open my individuality to its true universality.

Journal Questions
  1. Explore strategies for improving your relationship with your mind and making it your ally in success. Write down three ways you can be more creative.
  2. Sometimes our minds are so active that our mental energy works against us. To address this, bring to mind a thought or memory that is calming, and induces confidence and trust. Write that memory down and then hold it gently in your awareness as you breathe deeply for a minute or so.
  3. Try not to judge yourself harshly by comparing yourself to people who you see as smarter, more educated, or cleverer. List the ways your mind is intellectually equipped and well-suited to giving you the answers, solutions, and insights necessary to make your life a success.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 6 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Successful Emotions

Today’s meditation (Successful Emotions) centers on the role our emotions play in supporting our success. Nothing is more intimate to us than our emotions. The current feelings that underlie all of our thoughts and physical sensations have a major influence on every choice we make.

Even after careful, rational analysis, we tend to make our final decisions based on what feels right to us. For that reason, it is vital that we heal and train our emotions to be reliable and trusted allies. We want our emotions to support our success.

Emotions like anger, depression, and anxiety can undermine our success, but the answer is not in repressing emotions. Emotions need to move and settle into calmer patterns so that they can reliably support our success with insight, energy, and joy.

“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them.” - Oscar Wilde

Welcome! It’s Day 6 already of our meditation challenge.  Yesterday, we opened ourselves to the treasures of an expanded mind. Today, we move beyond logic and start tapping into the infinite intelligent guidance of our emotions. I believe that emotions are a gift from the deepest part of our consciousness.  

What happens when you pause and ask yourself, ‘why do I feel this way?’. It is through self-awareness that emotions can be your greatest guide, a window into your soul. While reasoning can help us evaluate a situation, it’s really with your heart, emotion, that you can see things most clearly.  

Our emotions are what connects us to our spirit. Negative or positive, our emotions always let us know when we are on the right track or when we’re veering off course

When we use our emotions as a beacon, remembering that we are not our emotions but rather the awareness of the emotion, the awareness behind them, it’s then that our emotions can lead us home.  

That, My Friends, is following the light to your own success.  So let’s sit back as Deepak sheds more light on that path, and then we’ll all meditate together.

“My emotions are my most intimate ally”

“Om Shanti Om”
I invoke peace

Journal Questions
  1. To help make your emotions a better ally in your success, you must become better acquainted with your feelings. Ask yourself, “How do I feel?” and write down in your journal a few words that describe your emotions.
  2. Now note how your body feels in relation to those emotions. Do the positive emotions feel more open, expansive, and light in your body? Do the negative emotions make your muscles, breathing, and posture feel more contracted, tight, and tense? Write down the feelings you experience.
  3. Sit comfortably and notice one of the uncomfortable emotions within. Perhaps it’s a persistent worry you have about your mother’s health or a difficult relationship with a coworker. Notice where that worry is held or felt in your body, then begin to take slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm. Dialogue with your emotional self and say, “We can manage this worry and start to feel better.” As you continue to breathe, see your body relax in your mind’s eye and release the worry it is holding. Write down your experience of how the release process went, and how you felt afterward.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 7 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success is Wholeness

Today we complete the first week of our journey together. Congratulations! This week we have learned that success is an inner process toward worthy goals that expand our love and creativity.

We have also learned that our body, mind, and emotions are key allies in manifesting a successful life.

Our meditation today is about enlisting our most vital and yet often overlooked ally – our being. Being is the silent, unshakable foundation of our life. It gives purpose, strength, balance, and direction to our life, just by virtue of its existence.

It is different from the other allies which actively send signals back to us to regulate life. Being is self-regulating, self-sustaining, and self-aware. When we are connected to our being, we feel secure, confident, loving, open, and awake.

“You are loved for being who you are, just for existing.” - Ram Dass

Here’s the truth as I know it – the essence of success is wholeness, being fully connected to the wisdom, serenity, and grace of your core being. Welcome to Day 7!  We are already completing our first week of manifesting true success.

Today, we come to a full-circle moment.  We’ve experienced how love, creativity, our emotions, our bodies, and our minds each open a unique path to success.

Now we get to bring them all together into a kind of divine wholeness, a more profound, rich, and expansive connection to our essential selves, and that connection unleashes vital new energy, a new foundation of wholeness from which a transcendent experience of success will emerge.  

So take a deep breath, embrace a new and deeper wholeness within as Deepak guides us in today’s meditation.

“Success flows from my being”

“Sarvatva Namah” 
I open my awareness to wholeness

Journal Questions
  1. Today’s meditation is about recognizing your Being as the root of all your success. Being itself is abstract and outside of sensory experience, but we can monitor our connection with Being by noticing how we feel after meditation. After today’s meditation, did you feel more relaxed, clear, and peaceful? Write down anything you notice. Any feelings of ease and calm indicate a growing connection to your Being.
  2. Feeling insecure, anxious, and glum are often indications of disconnection from your state of Being. When you feel safe, centered, happy, and alert, you are connected to Being. Think back over the last few days of the Meditation Experience and write down the general feelings you have after meditation, during your daily activities. Do your feelings during activity indicate greater connection to Being?
  3. Our Being is intelligent, creative, and self-organizing. When we connect with it, it automatically balances and organizes divergent aspects of our life. Have you had an experience where the organizing power of your Being seemed to solve a problem, without you having to do much? Maybe it was a misunderstanding with a loved one, where you couldn’t talk to them directly, but you felt the silent organizing influence of your Being resolved the issues effortlessly. Write down an experience where the power of your Being solved a problem.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 8 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Smart Choices Smooth the Path

Welcome to the second week of our 21-Day Meditation challenge, Manifesting True Success. We learned in the first week that success is not some distant external goal. It is something we begin to live and breathe every day in all that we do.

This week we will learn that success springs from making dynamic choices not bound by old habits and beliefs. These kinds of dynamic choices are explored using the acronym S-M-A-R-T.

We will look at the components of smart choices one by one this week and explore how these smart choices synchronize with success.

Smart choices require us to move outside our comfort zone and familiar boundaries. The choice to begin this 21-Day Meditation Experience is a great example of being flexible and open to new ideas.

“To design the future effectively, you must first let go of your past.”  - Charles J. Givens

Well, here we are, Friends, beginning week 2 of our Manifesting True Success meditation journey. I think we made great strides in week 1 by recognizing that success is an everyday, in-the-moment living reality.  

This week we get to go even deeper, making every choice an opportunity for success. You know by now that you are the choices you make, every choice defines you.  

Every choice gives you a chance to pave your own road, to create your course, to literally create your life.  Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning.

The universal law I believe in most passionately is this law of intention. Every choice begins with an intention. Your intentions create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your choices, and your choices create your life. When you get that, you get just about everything.  

You have the right to choose what’s best for you at every moment of your life so listen to yourself and know that when your choice comes from your most fearless, your most optimistic loving self, your fully awakened self, it will be a choice that inevitably moves you toward success.

Deepak guides us to that whole, fully awakened place where the best choices await. Let’s go there right now through meditation – together.

“I make choices from my true self”

“Aieem Namah” 
I receive the pure wisdom of life

Journal Questions
  1. Today we learned that success depends on smart choices, and smart choices are not bound by old habits and beliefs. List a few of these beliefs and habits that hold you to your past.
  2. Consider how being afraid to act or explore new avenues reinforces inertia and prevents you from taking timely action. Write down one new choice you can make today that encourages you to go beyond the comfortable, safe, predictable choices you make unconsciously. It could be as simple as trying a new dish on the lunch menu, or starting a conversation with a work colleague you normally walk past.
  3. It’s important to be aware of our patterns of static choices so that we can change that habit and opt for dynamic choices. List some of the uncomfortable situations that lead you to make safe, static, and rigid choices when it comes to your relationships, finances, or career.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 9 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Every Choice Can Be Smart

Today’s meditation (Every Choice Can Be Smart) focuses on the first concept from the S-M-A-R-T acronym. The letter S is for “stretching more than you can reach.”

This means not only being open to new ideas, approaches, and practices but being willing to explore them and try them out. Stretching more than you can reach requires curiosity about the world and a desire to go beyond the limitations of your present knowledge and experience.

This mental stretching prepares your mind for making smart choices in every circumstance that arises in your day, just as stretching before a workout prepares your muscles for whatever exercise you will be doing.

“Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.”  - Chinese proverb

Welcome!  It’s Day 9 of our meditation experience.  Today we look at making choices with the wisdom that comes from within.

Once you start making conscious choices, no matter how small, suddenly everything is possible.  One of my favorite Emily Dickenson quotes is ‘Dwell in possibility which means, to me, stretch your heart and your mind.  

The choice for success begins with aligning your thoughts and actions to go beyond your boundaries. Trust yourself,  Make each choice with the knowledge that the world will reflect your intention back to you – every time.  

Move beyond the familiar and routine.  Allow your own goodness to guide you… choose love…choose generosity…stay open…be optimistic – and watch miracles unfold for you.

So now let’s get quiet, breathe and allow today’s meditation to move us toward miracles.

“I make smarter choices every day”

“Eem Hreem Shreem” 
My reality is pure intelligence and abundance

Journal Questions
  1. Today’s meditation teaches us the value of stretching our ideas before making a decision. Write in your journal your ideas on what “stretching” means when it comes to making smart choices.
  2. Practice mental stretching with a decision that you are currently working on. Perhaps it’s buying a car, in which case you could consider other cars or ownership options you may not have thought of before, and talk to people who may not be car experts, but who have a point of view that could be useful. Write down how opening up to new perspectives can help you make a smarter decision.
  3. Reflect on how flexible thinking can keep your decision process fluid and not stuck behind an obstacle. Write down an experience you had where an apparent solution had hit a wall, but your mind didn’t stop and eventually came up with a creative way around the obstacle.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 10 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Measuring What Matters

Today’s meditation (Measuring What Matters) is about making all our choices smart choices, and is indicated by the letter M. The M stands for “make everything measurable.”

If we get reliable, measurable feedback on our progress, we can make intelligent, informed decisions. By evaluating our work in measurable terms, we remain in control of our progress, our time, and our resources.

We know where to cut back, and where to redirect our focus and energy. Most importantly, by making everything measurable, we can make smart decisions that are aligned with our values and worthwhile goals.

Our meditation today helps us maintain the flexible awareness that allows us to remain aligned with our deep purpose, while we monitor the circumstances and details of life so that we can make informed decisions.

It’s like a sailor setting course to a distant island, all the while monitoring the wind, waves, and currents along the way.

“Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” - Paul J. Meyer

Welcome to Day 10, Measuring What Matters. Today we begin the practice of being fully present in every choice and really feeling what matters. That awareness, that presence is the basis of real success.

As the master teacher, Eckhart Tolle says, ‘There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness – One with Life’. Being one with life is being one with the now.  

Life is the dancer, he says, and you are the dance. I just love that. Be aware of who you are, of what’s right for YOU, of where life can take YOU, in every moment. Treasure The Now. Savor it. Stay awake, and all your choices become steps on your path to true success.

Let’s get ready to meditate. Breathe consciously. Get Still. Stay open. Connect to the now.  Your time is now. Right now. Always.

“I control my life by knowing what counts”

“Sharavana Namah” 
My awareness is unbounded and focused

Journal Questions
  1. Measurement is a way of maintaining a perspective on the direction of a project with useful feedback. Write an example of how you’ve seen the importance of measurement in your own life – it could even be as simple as knowing your checking account balance.
  2. One of the most obvious measurements we can use is time. For example, we can ask ourselves, “Did I spend enough time sleeping last night?” Write about how you can use your time more effectively in attaining your goals.
  3. Another way we can apply measurement to our life is to evaluate how much energy and mental focus we give to various activities. List areas of your life you dedicate a lot of energy toward, but are not necessarily meaningful to you. List the areas that are more important to you that get too little attention. Now consider how you can reapportion your energy to match your priorities.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 11 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Matching Inner and Outer

In the S-M-A-R-T acronym, the letter A stands for “agreement with your inner self and those around you.” Agreement means harmony, mutual support, and even love.

For there to be agreement between the inner world of our values, goals, and beliefs and the outer world full of contentious individuals with conflicting ideas, we must find a deeper level of commonality.

That agreement is based on your personal connection to universality. Steve Jobs expressed this agreement perfectly: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

“I think true success is intrinsic… It’s love. It’s kindness. It’s community.” - Tom Shadyac
Yesterday we explored making choices based on what truly matters, considering every choice from a place of presence and full awareness.  

Today we take the next step in manifesting true success by aligning our inner self with the reality that is around us. Welcome to Day 11 of our meditation challenge.

When your emotional center is in harmony with the reality of what’s happening around you, the energy of success flourishes. Embrace that alignment, go with it and you will thrive.  

When what is showing up in your outer world with your inner Being, you feel it in the form of stress, of doubt, of negativity. energy is blocked. When you find that kind of resistance, pay attention to it.  

Pause and listen because that is how your life is speaking to you.  Take the time to go back to center, to re-orient, to re-set your course.  Realign how you’re feeling inside with what you want to materialize around you.  

When inner and outer are in accord, you will have clarity, you will gain strength and become more powerful.  Inner harmony leads to outer harmony and that alignment leads to true success.

Deepak illuminates this so well so settle in, get still and then we’ll meditate.

“My inner and outer worlds mesh perfectly”

“Om Houm Namah” 
I open my awareness to divine grace

Day 12 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | To Succeed is to Grow and Flourish

Our next letter in the acronym S-M-A-R-T is R. It stands for “record your progress.” In the context of business or physical fitness training, recording progress is an obvious way to monitor your development.

But what does recording your progress mean in the context of personal growth? It means that we notice and acknowledge the inner growth that is happening in our consciousness.

By recognizing the ways in which we are being transformed, we firm up that transformation and establish that change as something real and useful to our forward progress.

Without this kind of deliberate affirmation and confirmation, subtle yet profound spiritual experiences can be casually disregarded and forgotten. If they are recorded and registered in our mind, they can be like sprouting seeds that can continue to grow.

“Success comes from taking the initiative and following up or persisting.” - Tony Robbins

Welcome to Day 12. Today we explore what success really feels like deep in our souls.  Listening to your life starts the process of creating success. Aligning your internal and external realities, as we discovered yesterday, opens the door even wider.  

Today we accelerate the momentum of success by tuning into and embracing the messages we get from the source within. We all experience those exquisite moments when we hear and really heed our inner voice.  

It can be a whisper or a full-on aha. When we truly trust that voice, it naturally guides us to a place where growth happens. That growth is the spark that kindles the fire of success.

Together let’s find the still space so that we can hear the inner voice with a sense of calmness and clarity. Then we’ll meditate.

“I can feel myself growing every day”

“Om Shreem Namah” 
I let divine joy, abundance, and beauty into my life

Journal Questions
  1. Our inner growth and pursuit of success require feedback from the self. Write down the different ways your body, emotions, and mind give you feedback. Being aware of this feedback is a way of recording your progress.
  2. Take the list of feedback you wrote above and explain what messages your progress is showing you. For example, when your body feels light and energized, it shows that your body is moving closer to its goal of wellbeing.
  3. Write down some of the feedback you are noticing from your body, mind, and emotions, and then make a general assessment of how well you are growing and progressing.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 13 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Timing For Success

Our meditation today (Timing For Success) is about learning to become a master of your time. The last letter in S-M-A-R-T is T for “time limits.” Even though our true self is timeless, we live and experience in sequential time.

For that reason, we must respect and manage our time each day skillfully so that we synchronize our bio-rhythms with Nature. Dr. Daniel Siegel looked at how we can use our time so that it supports our wellbeing and inner growth.

He lists seven ways to spend time:

• Sleep time – Getting a full night’s restful sleep
• Physical time – Taking time to move and let your body be active
• Focus time – Being alone for a while to concentrate on what matters to you
• Time in – Taking time for meditation, prayer, or self-reflection
• Time out – Setting aside time simply to be here and rest into existence
• Playtime – Time to have fun and enjoy yourself
• Connecting time – Intimate private time between you and those you love and care for

Today’s meditation will synchronize individual awareness with the timing and rhythm of the universe.

“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” - Bertrand Russell

We move toward success when we listen within and open our hearts and minds to their fullest expression. Expanding the ways in which we spend our time is another milestone on the road to lasting soul-filling success.

Time is our most precious jewel. When you consciously choose to realize each moment to its fullest, your treasure chest overflows. Give yourself the gift of time in all areas of your life. Restful time, Connecting time, Creative time, Time to focus, and time to play.

When you do, every day will become timeless, and that, My Friends, is a whole new experience of success. My Beloved Dr. Maya Angelou said: “All great achievements require time”.  

It’s true, Every moment we have here on earth is really sacred.  So, let’s get still and appreciate the treasure in this and every moment as Deepak leads the way.

“I allow the flow of time to carry me forward”

“Om Kala Namah” 
I allow cosmic time to guide me

Journal Questions
  1. Take one of your worthy goals and set a time frame for attaining a major step toward that goal. For example, with the goal of having more friends, you might give yourself a month to make three new acquaintances. Write down your goal, your next step, and the time frame to get there.
  2. List all the different activities that apportion your time: work time, play time, quiet time, social time, down time, physical time, and sleep time. Next to each area, write down how much time you give yourself for that activity each day.
  3. Write down next to each activity how that period of time nurtures you, and how it enriches the quality of your day rather than detracts from it.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 14 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Trusting Your Decisions

Congratulations on completing another week of our Meditation challenge. This week we have been learning how to make every decision a success. A big part of making successful decisions is learning: Trusting Your Decisions.

That means making choices and not worrying or second-guessing yourself, wondering afterward if you made the right choice or if you should have waited.

Information will always be inadequate and there will inevitably be uncertainties. But if you make your choices according to a broad vision that sees life unfolding according to a higher purpose, then you can trust your decisions knowing that this greater intelligence will organize and orchestrate all the details, even if your mind cannot fully fathom them.

Today’s meditation will connect us to that infinite intelligence and help us develop an inner confidence that allows us to trust our decisions.

“Self-trust is the first secret to success.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here we are, completing our second full week of Manifesting True Success, our meditation experience. I’m hoping you can feel a shift already, a kind of opening up as you start to embrace the wisdom of your journey to true success.

Today is about one of the simplest yet most transformative forces in life, the power of trust. Welcome to Day 14, Trusting Your Decisions. Facing and making decisions often creates a sense of doubt, fear, and uncertainty.  

We all know that uneasy feeling when you’re searching for the right answer and you don’t know what that right answer is…I’ve been there hundreds of times. This is why I truly believe – when you don’t know what to do, what decision to make, get still, stay open until you do.

Uncertainty can be your friend. When you let go and tap into the greater energy within you, you will find the answer and the light-guiding and supporting you, always.

 It’s the force that can dream a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself.  Everything is always working out for your greatest good. It really is! Trust in that knowing.

Deepak has much to share about this wisdom of trusting. So, let’s listen, and then we’ll meditate.

“I cI trust that my life fits a larger plan”

“Eem Hreem Kleem” 
I draw knowledge and truth to my core self

Journal Questions
  1. When we are in touch with our higher intelligence, we can make the uncertainties of life our friend. We feel this greater purpose that carries life forward, even though we cannot see or anticipate how all the details fit together. Write about an experience in your life where a great uncertainty was resolved when you released your need to control events, and in which you were able to relax into your higher self and embrace the uncertainty.
  2. Uncertainties that present themselves as life crises or major setbacks to our goals can undermine our sense of trust. These events challenge us to go deeper within our Being, and eventually lead us to the understanding that even these disappointments and frustrations are serving our evolution. The growth that comes from living through these crises with awareness and openness create an even deeper trust, and become important components of our success. Describe an experience in your journal where going through a crisis led to a deeper feeling of trust within.
  3. Describe other insights you gained going through this experience. Aside from developing a more profound level of trust, did you uncover unknown resources of inner wisdom and strength that made you a more complete and successful person?
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 15 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success Organizes Itself

Welcome to Week Three of Manifesting True Success. This week we will take the material we have been learning and put it all together so that success becomes second nature.

We begin today with a meditation that connects us to the infinite organizing power of Nature. Often our days can become a chaotic series of tasks, events, and problems to deal with.

Life is dynamic and ever-changing, and we can’t stop that. But to be a success, your day must be a success. That seemingly chaotic activity must begin to flow with a kind of ease and grace beneath it.

This orderly flow happens from within, from the self-organizing power of our awareness. This is the same intelligence that governs all the diverse activities of the universe. As we tap into that inner power, it will automatically coordinate and harmonize the events of our day into a success.

“The first step to success is getting out of your own way.” - Steven Stromick

Here we are, beginning week 3 of our meditation experience. Deepak and I are so grateful to be on this uplifting journey with you. How far we’ve come. Together, we have discovered how success can be a living reality rather than this distant goal.  

We’ve begun a path of fulfillment that can serve us in every area of our lives.  Now, in week 3, we will bring it all together so that success becomes as effortless and natural daily for you as possible. How?  

Well, today let’s begin to see yourself as the center of an intelligent dynamic and perfectly balanced natural order. Think about that! Just as nature flows in a miraculous pattern that we really can’t explain or understand at all, so do we.  

As you relax into this awareness and stay centered there, releasing any resistance, the miracles of your own natural order will start to show up. Let your consciousness orchestrate the flow.  

So let’s sit, get still, breathe into Deepak’s teaching, and then we’ll meditate.

I use the organizing power of my awareness”

“Shree gum Namah” 
I open my awareness to unlimited possibilities.

Journal Questions
  1. Reflect on your old strategy for organizing your life: trying to control every detail, multitasking three or four activities at the same time, and using willpower and emotional intensity to impose order. Was that a successful strategy that achieved long term results? Did you gain support from others? Did it allow you to feel relaxed and satisfied afterward?
  2. For awareness to organize your daily activities, it must be centered, calm, and alert. When your awareness is agitated, upset, or tired, your day will not be successful. Write about the events of two different days that represent those opposite states of awareness.
  3. The organizing power of consciousness creates a natural flow to the events of your day. Describe a time when you felt well-connected to your source, and everything flowed smoothly the entire day.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 16 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Synchronizing Body and Mind

Today’s meditation is about synchronizing the body and mind. When the body is fully interconnected with the mind through the brain, it can serve as a reliable foundation for every aspect of our success.

To do this, the body has two basic needs: balance and bio-rhythms. The body maintains balance, or homeostasis, through feedback mechanisms – physical, mental, and emotional.

The other requirement for the body is setting its functioning in harmony with its natural bio-rhythms. Irregular eating and sleeping habits, for example, can throw off our hormones and affect our moods and mental acuity.

Our meditation today will strengthen this mind-body connection to create balance and help our bodies sync with the bio-rhythms of Nature.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” - Buddha

Yesterday, Deepak guided us into an awareness of how our bodies flow in a seamless natural order with no effort or struggle. Today we create that same ease and flow within our minds.  

Welcome to Day 16, Synchronizing Body and Mind.  As Deepak will show us, your emotions can influence how you feel just as your body can influence your emotions.

When faced with challenges, it’s easy to feel stressed or off-balance in your mind and your body. What I know for sure is the only way to endure the quake is to adjust your stance.  

You can’t avoid the daily tremors that come with just being alive. These experiences, even though we often cannot see them, are really gifts that nudge us to step to the right or left in search of a new center of gravity.  

Find your stance. Allow your mind and body to work together nudging you to that center because they naturally want to flow in positive perfect harmony. That is the basis of every success in life.

 Deepak shares how that happens within each of us so let’s listen with our mind and our body and then we’ll meditate.

I let body and mind act in harmony

“Om Ram Ramaya” 
Perfect balance energizes my body

Journal Questions
  1. For your mind and body to work together to create balance, the mind must be responsive and the body must be adaptable enough to return to a resting state. Recall a time when you had to respond to a stressful situation, and your mind and body worked together to quickly bring you back into balance.
  2. Bio-rhythms are Nature’s patterns of motion that keep the body functioning smoothly. Since disruption of our bio-rhythms is typically due to the mind, not the body, what mental choices can you make that will support your body’s biorhythms?
  3. Since sleep is our most important bio-rhythm, what three things can you do to ensure you get a full and deep sleep every night?
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 17 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Taking Advantage of Unpredictability

In Today’s Meditation (Taking Advantage of Unpredictability) we look at unpredictability in a new light. Typically we find unpredictability stress-inducing because it forces us to move out of our comfort zones of expectations, beliefs, and hopes.

A change in plans from what we hoped for is often felt like a disappointment or failure. But if we can see beyond the apparent randomness of life and recognize that a larger purpose is always being served.

Then, we can relax and welcome unpredictability, and observe how we can redirect our efforts to contribute to the bigger picture that is unfolding.

Our meditation today opens our awareness to this grand purpose of the evolving universe and its infinite creative possibilities.

“If you put yourself in a situation of unpredictability and then find that it’s completely possible to accept it, then you become an observer.” - David Tudor

Yesterday we explored how our minds and bodies work in harmony to support a natural flow toward success. Today we’re ready to shift into another dimension of trusting in the evolution of our own success. Welcome to Day 17, Taking Advantage of Unpredictability.

On the surface, I think a lot of people fear uncertainty – most people do. We withdraw, we seek safety in what is familiar, whether that familiarity is working for us or not.  When you’re able to go within and tap into the reserve of trust and openness that your body and mind have stored for you, you can start to welcome new possibilities and new profound successes.

How do we turn fear of unpredictability into a welcome embrace? Well, as Joseph Campbell said: “Fear, uncertainty, and discomfort are your compasses toward growth. We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.”

Wow! Those are beautiful words. It is in that magical shift from fearing the uncertain to welcoming it with the openness that you create a space for fulfillment. You are the creator of your success. Deepak takes us there step-by-step so let’s go, and then we’ll meditate.

“I turn unpredictability into a creative possibility”

“Om Purnamidam” 
I invoke the fullness of universal Being

Journal Questions
  1. Unpredictability is recognition of the limitations of our conscious awareness, and we make friends with it by relying on our unlimited, unbounded awareness. Write about an experience in which the relaxed and open awareness after meditation allowed you to be more comfortable with an unpredictable situation.
  2. Many people fear what is unpredictable because it feels uncontrollable. Write about something unpredictable that is a source of fear for you. Now reframe that fear as merely an unknowable future and see it as an opportunity for a creative response.
  3. Now expand this vision by writing down how this fear serves your evolution as something that fits into and is an essential part of your larger life plan.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 18 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success Meets No Resistance

In today’s meditation (Success Meets No Resistance), we look more closely at what to do when we don’t yet have full trust that the universe is organizing our success.

If we don’t feel that trust and flow with the unseen forces that are guiding our way, then we try to control the people and events around us. We create resistance and rigidity. To address this, we will experiment with non-resistance.

Practicing non-resistance means we allow people to be who they are; we limit our criticisms and judgments. We permit them the same freedom to act that we expect for ourselves.

Non-resistance is about learning to be an appreciative, compassionate observer. You are letting higher consciousness does the main work while adding your own contribution.

Our meditation today helps to open our awareness to this cosmic flow of life within, releasing resistance and control.

“Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s.” - Billy Wilder

Today we expand our hearts and minds even further, allowing success to come to us, expansively and effortlessly by letting go of resistance. That can happen, I promise and I can promise it because it is natural law. Welcome to Day 18: Success Meets No Resistance.

This is a lovely day, Friends, so experiment, if you will, by letting go in all areas of your life. Let go of judgment, release your fear. Let go of trying to control outcomes. We often think holding on makes you stronger but the truth is, letting go is what makes you stronger.  

Letting go, releasing any resistance, allows us to restore our inner peace and balance.  It invites a new sense of discovery and possibility. It releases us from any perceived obstacles and struggles that are in our way.  

Greater forces are at work on your behalf. Let go, surrender to the divine flow of your life. Trust and know that all will be well because all already is well. So, take a deep breath as Deepak guides us in today’s meditation.

I always intend to be in the flow

“Om Durgayay Namah” 
I invoke the nurturing protective power of Mother Nature

Journal Questions
  1. Take notice of an area of your life that you usually resist. Maybe you feel yourself emotionally pushed back when a certain person starts to dominate a staff meeting. Write down an alternative response for yourself next time, one in which you don’t feel the need to control the situation and aren’t threatened by anyone’s behavior.
  2. When awareness expands, trust grows. Write about an experience in which you gave more freedom to someone, and discovered things turned out better than if you had tried to control and micromanage each step.
  3. Write about a way you can practice alert, appreciative awareness with someone today. It might be praising someone for taking the initiative, or for contributing a helpful idea.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 19 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success is Without Judgement

Today’s meditation (Success is Without Judgement) is about learning to let go of negative judgment about others and yourself. When we judge, we are resisting life and blocking the flow of existence.

It’s not that we need to pretend there aren’t problems, difficult people, and flaws within our personalities. There certainly are. But if we learn to focus our attention on the positive features that are emerging, then we will be encouraging that unfolding potential, instead of giving more attention to the imperfections and strengthening them.

Being non-judgmental means being your truest self, following your unique path in life while cooperating and working in harmony with the universe. This is the aim of today’s meditation.

“If we listened to our intellect, we’d never have a love affair… or go into business. You’ve got to jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down.” - Annie Dillard

Yesterday we explored letting go, discovering the liberation and success you find in trusting with openness and faith. Now we take the power of letting go to a whole new level.  We are focusing on one of the biggest obstacles to success….we’re letting go of judgment.

Judgment simply put is fear and being right by making others wrong perpetuates a negative cycle that blocks your energy and true potential. It tears you down and hinders your success. It depletes you and everybody around you.

Acceptance, on the other hand, is love, it’s nurturing, it feeds you. Having compassion for yourself and other people without criticism or judgment creates a space for more blessings, more abundance, and more success.  

Let your heart feel the connection we are all meant to share. You will strengthen yourself, you will build bonds with others, and sow the seeds of real meaningful growth.

Is that success? I certainly think so and so does Deepak. So let’s share in his wisdom and then we will all meditate.

I find my success without judging others or myself

“Karuna Hum” 
I open my consciousness to universal compassion

Journal Questions
  1. Judgment is a major block to success is often unconscious, therefore we need to take an honest look at judgment. How are you judgmental with others? How are you making their decisions and behavior wrong or somehow bad?
  2. How are you judgmental with yourself? Write down the ways you may be subtly, or not so subtly, judging yourself harshly.
  3. To help free yourself and others from judgment, recognize that everyone is making the best decisions they know how to with the awareness they have at the time. Think about someone you know whose actions seem negative to you, and write down ways in which that person may believe what they are doing will bring them happiness.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 20 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success Finds Its Own Path

In today’s meditation (Success Finds Its Own Path), we learn that success is not a generic experience. The only success that is meaningful is your success.

You play a unique role in the universe that no one else can play. Your spiritual path is also unique, and that is why your success will be different from anyone else’s.

Finding your uniqueness is not about feeling better than others or holding yourself apart. Uniqueness is knowing your inner truth and your intrinsic worth. It is knowing your real self, and when you do, it will guide you to your true success.

“The only unique contribution you can offer the world is to be who you actually are and no one else." 
- Ashly Lorenzana

Welcome back, My Friends, to Day 20 of our meditation experience. This week has been about putting it all together and today we are finding our own unique direction on the path toward success.

If there is anything I’ve learned it is that you cannot manifest your true success trying to be anyone other than who you are and were meant to be. You remove all kinds of obstacles when you release trying to be someone that you’re not…when you allow your strengths to flourish and accept your vulnerabilities with love and kindness toward yourself.

Knowing your destiny, standing in your own truth, you invite your life to unfold in ways you had never even imagined for yourself. Take delight in your own light and celebrate others in theirs because when one shines, it means it is possible for all of us to shine.  

So let’s shine together as Deepak guides us even further down the road to manifesting true success.

“I value my uniqueness and rejoice in it”

“Siddho Hum” 
I am perfect and complete as I am

Journal Questions
  1. You are unique in the world, and your success is also unique. Write down your special talents, gifts, and perspectives that will make your success in the world unique.
  2. Learning how you fit in and relate to others is part of your uniqueness. It is how you gain support from others for your success and how you contribute to the success of others. List some of the ways you share yourself and enrich the lives of those around you with your talents, your conversation, or, simply, your presence.
  3. Consider how you are enriched and enlarged by those around you as well. List the ways your social network supports your uniqueness and your success.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 21 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | Success Comes From All Directions

Congratulations on completing this 21-Day Meditation challenge. It’s been a delight to have you with us on this journey. We have looked at the ingredients for true success.

Yet, there still might be a misconception that success can only come when the ideal circumstances arise. But rarely are all circumstances ideal for success.

It is important to realize that success, like reality itself, is multi-dimensional, not linear. Don’t let your old limited beliefs blind you to the unexpected support that can come from any direction.

Successful living needs your awareness to be creative, expansive, and receptive to all possibilities, just like creation itself.

Thank you for sharing your time with us, and may your light be a blessing to the world.

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” - Mark Caine

Well, we’ve arrived at 21 days of completing our meditation challenge. What a journey!  We have manifested together. Thank you all!

So, this is what I believe this experience has taught us. Success comes from many sources. Most importantly, success expands from within. It rises up from the inside out.

When you can stay open to all the wise and powerful dimensions of yourself, you find balance and insight and trust in the unknown, You literally expand and evolve. With no effort, you become a magnet for possibilities.  

The universe conspires with you to reveal opportunities and ultimately your success.  Dreams come true in many forms. Success arrives from many sources. What a joyful promise that is! Receive that, embrace it, and delight in it with an open heart and an open mind.

So, Deepak ties it all together in our final meditation.

I open every avenue for my success

Akhando Hum” 
I am the infinite

Journal Questions
  1. All success comes from expanded awareness. Write about how this Meditation Experience has broadened your awareness.
  2. Describe how your understanding of success has evolved during the course of this Meditation Experience.
  3. Write about your personal vision of success. Look at the worthy goals you listed on the first day and make any adjustments you feel necessary.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience.

Day 22 | Manifesting True Success Meditation | The Success That Transcends Success

Today is the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation challenge. We are delighted to offer a special meditation on the kind of success that transcends success. That is the spiritual success that frees you from any mundane version of success.

This liberation of consciousness has no limitations or definition. It is the awakened human spirit rejoicing in its own existence and freedom. Knowing your true self is the greatest achievement you can attain. It is The success beyond all success.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” - LaoTzu

Welcome back for one more very special day of meditation. It’s an extra day together to celebrate this experience we’ve all shared.

Throughout our journey, we’ve honed in on creating success by starting within, learning how to make every decision a successful one, and then putting it all together to deepen our paths together.  

By now, I think we’re all pretty clear that true success cannot be defined or manifested by how much money you have, your status, or anything that can be acquired, and the truth is that while we all seek to become the best version of ourselves.

We already have everything we need. The key to success is not about doing more. It’s about freeing the glory of your own soul. It’s ready to be released the moment you invite it with intention and with trust

Our truest selves are pure and untouched by the stories of our pasts and worries for our futures. Manifesting true success is really about shedding all that blocks you from embracing the present moment.

That, My Friends, is our greatest wish for you…to not only know the true richness of your life but to live it a moment to moment.

So, let’s shed the labels that inhibit us from experiencing the pure wonder and joy of this world and allow Deepak to guide us to true success for one last day.

“I exist beyond all limitations”

“Aham Brahmasmi” 
I am the wholeness of life.

Journal Questions
  1. Was there any particular experience or idea during these past 22 days that had a profound transformative effect on you, a kind of “aha” moment?
  2. As you continue manifesting your successful life, take notice of others around you who are models of success in certain parts of their lives. List two or three people with life skills you admire and would like to emulate.
  3. Bring to mind those close to you who may be looking to you as a role model – your children, co-workers, even friends and associates. Recognize that as you discover your own version of a successful life, you may be helping others find their own successful life at the same time. Write down the ways in which you inspire, guide, and uplift those close to you.
  4. Reflect further on today’s experience


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